...from a way of life to another in one lifetime - that is how I am now. I have been working as a data manager in PhilCAT since March, and working on sideline jobs with resident doctors along the way. So far, despite my crooked work ethics, I have been given credit for my skills and capacity as an effective statistician, researcher and epidemiologist. Although our organization's administration is not perfect for me, I am grateful that this work gives me the opportunity to endeavor on health research and probably be given recognition for it. But free-spirited as I naturally am, I think that I am taking for granted this opportunity that anyone in my field would grab and cherish. I took a leave from my current stable job for something what I think is more important. This morning I played with the Sta. Isabel College Chamber Orchestra (SICCO) in the Manila Cathedral, celebrating the school's 375th year of service. The Archbishop of Manila himself celebrated the Mass. Like in any pe...