Monday, March 31, 2008

Randomized analysis

I have been contemplating on things right now. Some of the clear realizations I have come up with are the following:

A lot of people look for issues and wonder why they have issues.

People become too dependent to a lot of people when they can not depend on themselves.

Politics is inevitably everywhere: at school, in the office, even in research and music. So deal with politics effectively.

Most people have a wide blind area (johari window) and many people around them do not give a damn.

Friendship is highly dependent on the quality time spent with each other and the contribution to each other's values and character. But this is not always the case.

You have to do some things you don't want to do, for the sake of duty and reputation. Likewise, You have to avoid things you want to do for the same reason.

A mentor is someone who effortlessly reminds you of your ambitions and purpose. In my case, I have two: my thesis adviser and my violin teacher.

The real challenge in work is not only accomplishment, but accomplishment with an intact spirit.

As long as there are values, there is always discrimination.

There is no such thing as perfect partner.

Long life does not mean happy life.

There are a lot of things that should be left undiscovered.

Civility is tolerance.

Always assume people as smart unless objectively proven otherwise.

Servitude has rewards. One can not be a master unless he was a pupil.

If something is not satisfactory, charge it to experience.

Loneliness is good. It makes you independent.

Tragedy defines a man.

You can sense when it is over. If not, slap your face.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

What day is today?

It's my birthday.

I went to San Pablo, Laguna with Cocoy and my boss Sir Leydo to visit a PPMD unit. I bought buko pies for my officemates ang my family, to feel somehow that today is a special day. People greeted me, through text message or in my face, to remind me that.

But I do not feel special today.

I do not know exactly when I stopped celebrating my birthday. I only think, or have set my mind eversince, that I don't do it.

I'll probably surf the net and waste the night just like any ordinary day.

I'll probably pick up my violin and play a hardly sweet tune.

But thank you to those who remember. I'm glad that people around me celebrate birthdays as they celebrate mine today.

Perhaps birthdays are for social, not personal, purposes.