I am an epidemiologist. For those who do not know, an epidemiologist studies disease frequencies and their associations. I am also a statistician to some doctors. A statistician in research provides results from raw data. In effect, I am also a research consultant, who gives advice to researchers. But the great bulk of my work deals with processing data. You know, generating tables, interpreting them - the likes. I forge data into meaningful information like a blacksmith forging useful tools from an ore. In the lifestyle I am in now, I feed on, breathe and live for data. When I wake up, the first thing I think of is what data will I process and to which doctor will I give them. My eight-hour job dictates that I process and verify our office data. When I go to sleep, I sigh thinking of what pending data I had left for the next day to process. To give you a picture, I was once entertaining about five doctors with different data sets in one day while in PhilCAT office with its own data t...